Glossary beginning with N
- Nardoo cakes
An Australian species of fern that is treated, then ground into flour, made into caskes and eaten by Aborigines.
- Native Title
Native Title describes the rights of indigenous people according to r their traditional laws and custom and in particular their relationship with and right to ancestral land.
- Neo-natal care
Medical services offered in hospitals which take care of ill or newborn infants
- Newport Rising
The Newport Rising was a large-scale British uprising of Chartist workers, including many coal miners, in a battle for equal rights and better working conditions. Newport, where the events took place, is a town in South Wales in the United Kingdom.
- Newspaper index
An index of articles which have appearedin a newspaper over a period of time.
- Night-fossicking
Using a candle or lantern to steal 'paydirt' or nuggets from another team's hole.
- Non-Aggression pact
An agreement from two countries that each would not fight the other.
- Nouns
Nouns are naming words that usually have words like 'a' or 'the' in front of them. They refer to people, places, objects and ideas.