Basic exam technique
Some basic techniques apply to most types of exams, so you might find it helpful to keep the following in mind:
- use the reading time to read your whole exam paper very carefully
- plan your time according to what questions are worth – spend more time on questions worth more marks
- try doing harder questions first, while you're fresh
- stick to your time limits – if your time for a question is up, move onto the next one and you can always come back to it later if you have time
- try to make your handwriting legible, no matter how rushed you are – if a marker can't understand your answer, they won't give you the marks
- if you can, use running writing in exams – it's a lot faster than printing
- make sure you've answered the question – if you don't, you won't get any marks
- follow instructions – you won't get marks for information you haven't been asked to give
- aim to spend 5–10 minutes at the end of the exam checking over your work – it's a great way to pick up extra marks.

Everyone works in different ways. Try a few exam techniques and see what's best for you.

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