Creative assignments
By presenting your work creatively, you can highlight your strengths, entertain your audience and use the format to make your ideas more convincing.
Creative writing and performance
The people or events you've researched can be the starting point for a creative writing or a performance piece, such as:
- short story
- diary or a letter
- newspaper report
- script for a radio play or show
- monologue or short play
- debate
- speech or skit.
You can use audio visual equipment and computer software to create really interesting assignments. If you've got a video camera, try using your research to make a:
- short film
- documentary
Create a mock-umentary about a person by staging interviews with people they knew during their lifetime. Base your script on information you've found during your research.
- TV show – like a game show, reality TV show or talk show
- news program
An assignment about Ned Kelly's hanging could be presented as a breaking news report using quotes from newspapers and primary sources. You could include interviews with police as well as people who helped Ned along the way.
- interview.
If you've got audio recording equipment, try making:
- an oral history program
- a radio talk-back show
- a radio play.
If you have access to a computer and the relevant software your assignment could include:
- clay-mation
- stop-motion
- backlit shadow puppets
- photomontage.