Understand the question
When you have a clear idea of what you're being asked to do, it's much easier and faster to get your assignment finished. So before you do anything, take the time to:
Read your assignment instructions
Assignments are usually designed to either test what you've been studying in class, or help you to find out new information on your own.
Your assignment sheet will tell you what information you need to find, and how you should present it. Teachers usually include assessment criteria too, so you can see how your work will be marked.
Think of your assessment criteria as a 'To do' list. Your teacher marks your work against each criteria so if you've covered them all, you should pass.
Write the question in your own words
Using the assignment sheet and your assessment criteria, write down the question in your own words. This will help you quickly see if there are any ideas you don't understand, so you can clarify them before you go any further. At this stage, you can also jot down any questions you think you might need to answer during your research.
Make a speech and/or multimedia presentation about the role of one or more key Indigenous leaders in the 1967 Referendum campaign.
During your research, you'd answer questions like:
- Who were some of the leaders involved in the Referendum?
- Who will I focus on and why?
- What's some background information about the leader I've chosen?
- How were they involved in the Referendum?
- Why was their contribution important?What happened to them after the Referendum?
- Did their life change? Why? Why not?
Identify key terms
You also need to identify the subject-specific words in your question. These words will help you focus on the most important parts of the question. They will also help you to start a list of keywords that you'll use when you begin your research.
See also