Manifest of cargo on board the brigantine Thistle

James Liddell was the captain of the schooner Thistle, owned by the Henty Brothers. He ferried the land hungry members of the Henty family back and forth between the Swan River, Port Lincoln, Portland Bay and Launceston.
The Thistle was then refitted in October 1834, and Liddell embarked on a historic journey back to Portland Bay with Mr Edward Henty, a number of labourers and a cargo of cattle, farming implements, building material, general stores, fruit trees, vines and seeds. They arrived at their destination on the 19th November 1834. For the next two years Lidell was busily engaged carrying stock, stores and people to the newly established settlement.
Manuscript, October 10th 1834
Accession number: MS 5081
From the State Library of Victoria's Manuscripts collection.
See the catalogue record for this item
2500 Bricks
2 Casks Beef
2 Casks Pork
4 Bags Flour
2 Bags Sugar
1 Chest Tea
3 Keg Nail
10 Bags Potatoes
2 Bags Oats
1 Box Soap
1 Bag of Salt
1 Bag of Peas
1 keg Spike Nails
1 Bundle Saws
1 Malt Mill
1 Bundle Chains & Tools
3000 feet of Sawn Timber
Frame of House
600 feet of Flooring Boards
600 feet of Weather Boards
18,000 Shingles
2000 Broad Paling
2 Cases of tools etc
3 Bundles ditto
1 Cask of Grape Cuttings
1 Box of Plants
1 Bale of Clothing
1Cask Earthenware
1 Whale Boat
1 Cask Gunpowder
1 Keg of Tobacco stores for the whaling party at Portland Bay
1 Bag of wheat
1 plough
1 pair of harrows
1Bullock Dray
The next page of this document continues, to itemise 6 working bullocks, 20 heifers, 2 cows, 2 bulls 5 pigs and 2 baskets of tobacco.