'She just made it on form'

Newspaper advertisement featuring Indigenous sports champion Evonne Goolagong.
The Australian, 14 Jan 1972, p16.
Courtesy of the Herald and Weekly Times Ltd.
From the State Library of Victoria's Newspapers Collection.
She just made it on form; Good on you Evonne. Remember when you just made it on another form back in '66...the Census form! We counted you in because you had the privilege of having some white blood in you. This year we were very generous...we counted your full-blooded relatives as legal inhabitants of Australia for the very first time. You're lucky Evonne. You're a world class tennis player. So we guess you're good enough to be one of us - our stock of good tennis players is getting low. But don't go bringing any of your black cobbers into the neighbourhood just because fame and fortune's come your way. Leave them where they belong... in their shanty towns and old tin huts. Good on you Evonne. We're proud you're Australian.